ATTENTION: we are not seeking power, political career, or donations. we are seeking to get 100 volunteers for senate 2 in each state, 435 candidates for congress one in each district, a presidential and vice presidential candidate to campaign under the banner of this movement to create a new interim government for one short term in order to pass laws that special interest controlled government would never pass, and then our oath is to be out of the politics completely and permanently. please read and serve your nation - remember, invasion of a country does not only occur militarily, your service is needed right here in America to fight special interests.

The people running with this movement for senate, congress and president make the following oath on their life to the American people:
- I will only serve one 1 year term and then never serve in government again.
- I will not take any gifts or accept any donations for my political campaign.
- I will unconditionaly vote for the following laws immediately once elected:
  • Creation of national public media for political elections. managers of public media will be considered government officials and will be upheld to the same bribery law detailed below.
  • A law requering all business oriented media outlets that want to publicize public events to air 5 second ads on radio/television or 2"x2" ads on their web sites/news papers stating "you can alternatively watch this political coverage on a non biased public media outlet such and such"
  • Law that prohibits special interest to make any contributions to public officials (politicians) or public officials accepting any gifts.
  • Vote to create an organization which shall have the power to try and execute public officials/politicians such as yourself and the 3 closest family members for accepting bribes as well as executing any lobbyists attempting to bribe any public official. the members for this organization shall be selected from the military and can not in any way be related to you.
  • Default on Debt/enslavement and print new money without interest to the bankers. Abolish unconstitutional federal reserve.
  • Provision for all phone, internet, gas, electric companies not to cut any services for 6 months immediately following the default or face swift take over by the government: (our military overseas sacraficed more for their interests)
  • Appoint Rytis Abrutis as a supreme international diplomat who's job will be to fix relations with foreign countries. Rytis will only be allowed to serve this role for 1 year and will not be allowed to hold any kind of government position after that.
  • Set up of electronic voting system for up to date accountability in all parts of the nation
  • Implement negative voting in all elections to offset any propaganda attempts for any candidate. each voter gets one for vote as well as one against vote.


Unlike all the other garbage movements this is not a place where donations are collected or any money is made for this movement in any way. it is the justice system at its' purest. ignoring this movement will land you with the flock of dying society, dedication to this movement will earn you a place with the elites.

If you have internet and care about this nation positions are now open for you to be an activist for the new government that is forming. it does not take money, only love for justice. this government will come to power legaly thru elections. it will follow constitution and restore America back, leaving the new technological advances invented by the people.

Please serve your nation! invasion of a country does not only occur militarily, your service is needed right here in America, and unlike the scams this service does not require any financial aid, only dedication, education, study this web site and pass on the information to the people you know - this is the least you can do for your country. if you feel like doing more, please do not be discouraged by the world of politics and consider becoming a candidate for either senate, congress or even a president with us:

-Requirements to be a part of legitimate government are as follows - You are not eligeble to be a part in a legitimate government if:
- You ever held any government position in the past
- Are a lawyer
- Your property is in a gated community
- You have dual citizenship
- You have a criminal record
If you pass all the above requirements and want to serve your nation as a new government official be warned of our strict policy regarding political prostitution for which not only you, but also your closest family members may be executed.

America needs a legitimate government
A legitimate government can be described as the one that follows the constitution and does not put its' people in debt. all independent polling shows that between 88-93% of Americans do not believe American government represents American people before special interests. 73% of population said they voted not because they liked the candidate but because they wanted to vote for the lesser of two evils since they saw that the race is very tight between the two sides according to the media. polls conducted where negative voting was allowed all showed the candidates that were considered the most favorite by the mass media all without exception ended up negative in the polls.

How will this government not get corrupted like everything else
A strict polity will be implemented immediately upon electing the new government (our 100 senators, 300+ congressmen, president) into office: funding or accepting any political contributions or gifts by elected officials will be punishable by death. a new organization will be created with the power to try and execute the elected officials for treason or accepting bribes. this organization will not have any political power and will not be allowed to have any contact or relations with elected officials. they will be sending under cover agents posing as special interest lobbyists attempting to bribe them or shower them with gifts. if an elected official accepts any gifts and is convicted, he and his 3 closest family members will be executed. likewise if an elected official proves that special interest lobbyist has attempted to bribe him, that lobbyist and his 3 closest family members will be tried and executed. When a prostitute sells her body, she sells something that she owns, when a politician sells out his people, he sells out the children, the elderly.

A new way to elect officials
The transitional government will change the way federal government officials get elected, since money will no longer play a role in political campaigns.
There will be a one term limit of four years for senators, congressmen and president.
National democratic network will be set up where any candidates will be allowed to speak and campaign for free.
Negative voting will be implemented in all elections to offset any propaganda attempts for any candidate.

People are not guilty as it is led to believe
"People are guilty because they elect idiots" - WRONG! - people select from the choices presented on the media, which exclusively publicize hypocrites who are loyal to elites rather then society, ignoring any candidates who really aim to serve people's interest. people are not guilty for not voting for candidates they know have no chance to win and the elites exploit that knowing they can unite people to vote for unpopular candidates. several videos included here demonstrate that beyond any doubt. if the so called popular candidates on the media would in fact be the ones representing the people's views, then they would not have to consistently break their campaign promises about taxes, nation building and so on.
"People keep spending themselves into debt" - WRONG! - people never voted for candidates promising wars, bailing out banks or auto industry, borrowing money at an interest etc. and if they were brainwashed to believe the lies they were told, they were deceived by the elites who control the media and not by themselves - and if those elites have stolen the past because of people's ignorance, they can keep that past, but if they want to claim that we are still in debt and our children are in debt, then my fellow Americans it is time we pick up our weapons and aim them at those who indirectly claim that we are slaves - a nation in debt is an enslaved nation, and there can be no decent jobs or decent life in an enslaved nation, only promises and hope.
However you are guilty if you ignore this web site and not tell your friends and family about it.

Understanding our enemy
Elites fear a leader, because a leader has power and can do what he promised to the people. elites like to place their own dictators in power in smaller nations to use as an example of how terrible a leader can be, and when those dictators start doing too much for their own people they become dangerous to the elites. you can search how many "US friendly dictators" there were in the past. the scariest thing for elites would be for a leader to be elected in a powerful nation such as America, it would globaly threaten their rule. there is no violence needed to threaten or hurt the elites, they are threatened by a mere success of the society, because in a healthy society where people earn a decent living, they can not exploit the people due to their health, their ignorance, their inability to pay bills and the need to borrow from banks and other types of enslavement. a healthy nation is also a danger to elites because it can eventually become an example to other nations.
Movements and politicians have been constantly hijacked by the elites and derailed from what they once promised. usualy with money backed advisers. A leader does not need any complications or advisers, he can simply go on doing what he promised during the campaign without any obsticles eliminating them if necessary. a puppet on the other hand is forced to be a hypocrite.

Elites control the opposition by leading it: they will be the ones speaking out against the corruption on the media, left against right, right against left, but if an outsider speaks out against their two party circus, that person is either ignored or politicaly destroyed: Elites like to associate themselves with freedom: if you speak out against the system they control, they remind you that there are other systems, but they don't tell you that it is their puppets who control those systems as well.

Like any dictator, elites have many servants and volunteers backing them. these people have a lot of free time to spend on message boards, creating all kinds of movements, they go and talk on television, participate in the left/right circus criticizing one or the other part of the same government. they appear to represent the nation but they do not. they do this while majority of the nation is preoccupied making a living. while majority of nation feel the way we do, these parasites are fighting a demoralizing war against a vast majority of people wanting change. their tactics are very clever and if you pay close attention, this web site, the plan is what distinguishes us from all this political filth. they are already trying to mimick our ideas, to hijack this movement, only they can not do it because the core of of this movement goes right against them. and you, the average reader should see it and point it out to others.

Elites have a lot of filth working hard acting as activists for change and speaking out against corruption. they complain about government yet they offer no solution, when drawn into a corner begin accusing you of being unpatriotic, calling you names. they have the skill and the ability due to being accepted by their media to create an illusion as though they represent the views of majority, but they do not. do not waste time with this scum - if a vast majority of Americans would be on their side, then a president would not be elected who promises such a change and just because he later deceives people, does not make the elites right.

Elites are masters of illusions: they attach themselves to all great inventions, freedom, even aliens. by spreading theories that the aliens landed and they are trying to keep it secret they create an illusion of themselves being invincible and untouchable. they did not invent internet or computers, nor did they invent freedoms, yet when you speak out against corruption and human rights abuses that takes place right under their watch, their people will shower you with insults of being anti American.

Paying tax to our government vs. paying tax to them
We all understand that paying taxes to our own community or government is what funds our roads, schools and other essentials in a normal society. what we have to understand is how easily a hijacked government can use these funds to drain economy like a spider would drain a fly of its blood: an invasion of a country does not only occur militarily, it can be done with propaganda even more effectively because there will usually be less resistance. propaganda can be likened to poison while military to power.

Our debt. America is a free nation, we owe no one anything. those who believe we do are either criminaly ignorant or plain traitor propagandists. our government that collects our taxes now is paying the interest on the money they borrowed. we must fight the traitors, and any foreigners who think we owe them something. Money makers can easily move from country to country with the stolen assets/money. our default would hurt them a lot. that is why they try to scare us into not defaulting on the debt they created on the media they control

Eternal life and domination
If you believe eternal life is a fantasy, it is only because you are not part of the elites. it is not in their interest to see humanit free from disease: as people age they become smart, and smart people figure things out. smart people do not make good servants because they seek independence. while technology is replacing a lot of human labor, it will never be completely replaced, and there will always be the need for servants. How many times have you heard on the news that a cure for cancer was discovered and then that news fades away and is forgotten. when elites control our world they control what discoveries we can or can not enjoy. and why should the ignorant masses enjoy eternal life or have freedom any more then an ignorant pig? how are these masses different? they each think that they are smarter then most yet they do nothing to achieve common justice but only worry about their own life, and therefor they are not in any way different then an average pig to the elites, to the god or to the rest of humanity. but if you can be open minded enough, brave enough to join together with this movement that seems like not going anywhere, you shall be rewarded.

One world order - not in the interest of elites. and they are not connected to aliens.
They spread the gossip about area 51 to make themselves appear invincible and demoralize humanity. they in fact fear wars just like anyone else. and they do not seek a world order, that is another lie, because a world order would be good for society since in a one world order there could be no monetary manipulation. a closer look will reveal that on the contrary, the elites have consistently attempted to divide and destroy nations. they end up with slave labor, society ends up with immigrants willing to work for less. there are no aliens on the side of elites, they are in fact cowering in their mansions with nowhere to hide. one of the contributors for this movement is in fact one of the top elites himself and he knows many of them first hand. most of them do not deserve what they have and this movement intends to give the world back to the decent people with the vision. the elites themselves are being watched by several of us and any attempt by them to harm the people associated with this movement would result in their execution.
PHASE 1 (we are now in this phase)

We are seeking to get 100 volunteers for senate 2 in each state, 435 candidates for congress one in each district, a presidential and vice presidential candidate to campaign under the banner of this movement to create a new interim government. in order to run with us you must make the following oath below detailed in phase 2. people will overwealmingly vote for all the candidates listed with this movement because all polls indicate vast majority have completely lost faith in the media and only vote out of desperation and lack of alternative.

Our strategy to win elections is simple: bumper stickers, T shirts and word of mouth. Unity - one central web site for all candidates peopleVSmedia.net or something like that. We convince decent activists in different states who care about this nation but have for the most part been rejected and mislabeled by mass media to join together with this movement. they will make acknowledgments stating that they are proud to be part of our movement. these candidates will take an oath with us. we will advertise it all together as one movement. everyone will have a bumper sticker on their cars and T shirts peopleVSmedia.org - we don't need the media, media circus will become obsolete and it will be felt throughout the nation. that is all there is to it.


The people running with this movement for senate, congress and president make the following oath on their life to the American people:
  • I will only serve one 1 year term and then never serve in government again.
  • I will not take any gifts or accept any donations for my political campaign.
I will unconditionaly vote for the following laws immediately once elected:
  • Creation of national public media for political elections. managers of public media will be considered government officials and will be upheld to the same bribery law detailed below.
  • A law requering all business oriented media outlets that want to publicize public events to air 5 second ads or 2"x2" ads on their web sites/papers stating "you can alternatively watch this political coverage on a non biased public media
  • Vote to create an organization which shall have the power to try and execute politicians such as myself and the 3 closest family members for accepting bribes as well as executing any lobbyists attempting to bribe any politicians. the members for this organization shall be selected from the military and can not in any way be related to me.
  • Default on Debt/enslavement and print new money without interest to the bankers. Abolish unconstitutional federal reserve.
  • Appoint Rytis Abrutis as a supreme international diplomat who's job will be to fix relations with foreign countries. Rytis will only be allowed to serve this role for 1 year and will not be allowed to hold any kind of government position after that.
  • Set up of electronic voting system for up to date accountability in all parts of the nation (like in banks who could not be as accurate doing it all on paper)


Interim government resigns and people elect the officials representing the people rather then special interests.
LIST OF CANDIDATES to be listed read the oath and email us

We are seeking

America is a free nation, it does not owe anyone anything. those who believe we do are either criminaly ignorant or traitors. our government that collects our taxes now is paying the interest on the money they borrowed. this is exactly what American ancestors fought against and what made America that was once great. Money makers can easily move from country to country with the stolen assets/money but our default would hurt them, that is precisely why they try to scare us into not defaulting on the debt they created on the media they control. All the debt was created by special interests and not by the people. Can you imagine American economy with today's technological advancements in combination with freedom and independence America had 100 years ago? however while people were busy working and creating, a cult of parasites established dominance, however they are weak, and very easy to defeat according to this web site, so do not believe any propaganda that assimilate this scum with aliens or any other super natural force.

  • All candidates united under one central movement which is this web site. a well organized, simple and clear. all candidates' merchandice must include the domain of this movement
  • All people will be required to obtain either a bumper sticker or a window sign with the domain of this movement (to be decided shortly) this merchandice will be sold and distributed at the price cost to print, no money will be made on sales. they will be mandatory to display by all citizens, and should be enforced by either local gangs or the police.
  • Once our candidates will win elections, they will pass the laws listed here: all Americans agree that these laws would be good for the country and this is the only way to get them passed.

This should help you understand why such drastic measures listed on this web site are necessary and absolutely the only way to get our nation back: (also for more details about this movement click here)

Ron Paul smear campaign by the left right media circus
Fox News claims they made an honest mistake (a mistake can happen once, not dozens of times as shown in previous video)
Alex Jones exposes fox news fraud
Zeitgeist - Why We Live In Debt
Money = debt = slavery prt.1
Money = debt = slavery Prt 2
Government gone wild


Please serve your nation! Invasion of a country does not only occur militarily
A very clear plan to victory
Become a candidate with us - it's free
List of candidates uninfluenced by special interests - those are your only real choices
How will this government not get corrupted like everything else
Watch these videos if you are a newbie

Someone always prospers from misery of others - economic problems are created purposely
One world order is not in the interest of elites who profit from division. they spread false rumors for distraction.
Our imaginary debt - if you believe America owes anyone money, you are a criminaly ignorant traitor to this nation.
America needs a legitimate government
People are not as guilty as they lead us to believe
Elites fear a leader - because a leader can restore order
This problem is not limited to United states, democrats or republicans

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